
Electroencephalography (EEG)

Electroencephalography is a way of examining how the brain of children and adults works over a certain stretch of time. This method is safe for the human body and is based on catching impulses that are produced by the brain’s nerve cells, also called neurons. EEG brain examination can be used in diagnosing a wide range of diseases of the central nervous system, however, it is mainly used to diagnose seizures.

The Center (in Almaty) provides:
- Routine video EEG performed with the patient awake and with use of functional tests. It is therefore important for the patient to be able to listen for and carry out commands during the examination.
- Video EEG during sleep is conducted as per indication as well as in cases when the patient is unable to comprehend or carry out the doctor’s commands due to impairment or age.
- Video-EEG is carried out to document seizures or other paroxysmal conditions so their nature can be analyzed.

Every type of EEG examination of the brain has its own indications. The appropriateness of any of the EEG types has to be determined by the referring doctor.

Examination cost:
Routine EEG (under 20 minutes): 5000 KZT
Video EEG of daytime sleep (under 1.5 hours): 8000 KZT
Video EEG monitoring (3 hours): 18 000 KZT
Nighttime video EEG monitoring: 36 000 KZT
Appointments can be scheduled daily 9 AM to 6 PM by calling +7 (727) 394 46 23, 394 45 13